Wednesday, March 11, 2009


♥Joyce bi妈咪! Lols,i've slove the error for you,already. Stupid you. Hahaha. :D! I didn't went school today,i woke up late. =x You're working later on,yup? Wake up le call me,k. :D Loves.

And bi,i know you're very confuse now. You don't know whether to believe him anot. But no worry,no matter what happen,we'll always be by your side,okays. :D Don't be too impulsive,just go with the flow. Anything happen,there's always us to support and stand up for you. And,i believe he's true,really. From the way he message you. So,don't think too much,k?

Bi,i'm bored bored bored! Remember to call me when you're awake,okays. Last but not least,i love you. :D Muacks. Byeeeeeee.
With lots of love,
Your bi女儿,♥Sophia Lim Zi Qi.

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